Malta Projects
branding & design / media strategy
perfection, by design
As the official representative for BBC Global News we bring you custom-made solutions that suit your needs and your budgets. From producing and airing TV commercials on BBC World News, to preparing digital content hubs on bbc.com, BBC World Service and BBC StoryWorks with accompanying promotional campaigns, we design visual and contextual stories on BBC’s premier platforms to reach your perfect audience. With over two decades of experience consulting on nation-branding and corporate branding initiatives around the world we are well placed to deliver excellence with passion.
highlighting assets in a key market
Since 2010 iD has been committed to raising awareness of Malta’s many attributes in the UK, its most important audience in terms of tourism and business. Our special features in association with the UK’s top quality newspaper, The Daily Telegraph delivered phenomenal results and have boosted relations. iD was responsible for all the research, in-person interviews, copywriting, layout and design.

iD focused on the historic ties between the two countries, while at the same time bolstering understanding of the progress and advances taking place in the EU’s microstate and how much beauty, cultural heritage, innovation and hospitality is packed into the nation. As Malta continues to punch above its weight in niche industries and to position itself as the EU’s online gaming hub and a financial services centre, iD remains committed to highlighting its offerings globally. Click the individual photos above to read our three Daily Telegraph features on Malta.

- #2 | 42B Steeple View Mansions | Mrabat Street | Sliema | SLM1381 | Malta
- Tel: +356 21 445 780
- info@imagediplomacy.com

- #465-B2 | Shwe Pyi Thar Street | 32 Quarter | North Dagon Township | Yangon | Myanmar
- Tel: +95 979 63 04 070
- info@idcreativesolutions.com